Thursday, November 21, 2013

Made To Last

Miranda Woodruff is the star of the TV show "From The Ground Up". The network is considering making some changes and Miranda's manager knows they must step up their game.

Miranda has talked about her husband in each episode. There is one problem... she is NOT married! The idea of having someone pretend to be her husband comes into play. This is a tough act to pull off as Miranda now has a reporter (Matthew) following her and documenting and blogging about her life. There's also the fact that this is all a lie!

Not unlike a lot of us, Miranda has a lot of pain that she hasn't faced buried within her. When you add that pain along with the fact that Miranda is living a lie and the stress of the future of her show, you have a great story! Melissa Tagg pulled me into her book. This is the first time I have read a book authored by Tagg. I like how she held my attention and wrote an interesting story in a modern era.

I received this book complimentary from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for this review. This review is strictly my own and I was in no way paid for this review.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fired Up

"Fired Up Trouble In Texas" (book 2) by Mary Connealy was a fun read. We get to know Dare Riker, a "doctor" in the town where Glynna Greer now lives. Glynna is a twice-widowed mother of two children. She has faced some extreme hardships in her life.

Glynna decides to open up a diner so that she is able to support her and her children. The first day her diner opened, it was discovered that Glynna was a terrible cook! The men in town would still come to eat at the diner though because they loved just getting a view of the beautiful Glynna in this limited of women town.

Dare feels a pull toward Glynna and feels the need to help and protect her. Dare is dealing with his own insecurities as a doctor. He keeps saying that he is going to quit and become a rancher, but it seems that every time a doctor is needed, Dare runs to help. He cannot help himself.

I found this read to be light and easy, yet interesting. There was someone out to kill Dare and the author kept me guessing as to who it was. This was one of those books where I was disappointed it was over!

I received this book complimentary from Bethany House. This review is my own and I have not been paid for this review.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sisterchicks On The Loose

In the book "Sisterchicks On the Loose" by Robin Jones Gunn, Sharon, a mother of four and Penny, a mother of two are two very opposite people, yet wonderful friends. Penny is a very successful realtor, fun-loving and former biker. Sharon is a stay-at-home Mom who works endlessly to meet the needs of her children and husband. She is not a risk-taker and seems to find comfort in the same day in and day out routines.

While their children were babies, Penny and Sharon came up with the idea to go on a trip together when their children were grown. One day, Sharon received a package from Penny. It was a plane ticket for a trip to Finland. Sharon assumed she wouldn't go. Her family needed her. Sharon's husband encouraged her to go with Penny and enjoy this amazing opportunity.

There were many events that came to pass during this trip. We learn with Sharon that it is good to step out of our comfort zones. Sharon found out that life can be so much more fulfilling when she did so.

I found this book to be a little "blah". It was a little boring to me. I like the concept of the book, but I did not connect with the characters as I often do in the many books I am privileged to read. It wasn't a bad read, it just wasn't an interesting read for me.

I received this book from Multnomah in exchange for this review. I was in no way paid for this review. These opinions are strictly mine.

She's Twelve Going On Twenty

I have become a believer that every believing mother should read "She's Twelve Going On Twenty" by Kim Camp. I was so impressed with this book. I believe that this book would be helpful not just for parents of tween daughters, but also those in their teen years.

This book is split into three sections: spirit, body and soul. Each and every chapter in this book addresses so many concerns and situations that we as mothers deal with on a daily basis. At the end of each chapter, there is a section of questions and items to discuss with your daughter called "Working It out Together" segments. I read the book through the first time without doing this part. I will be going back to do so though, because I think it will be a wonderful way to discuss many issues with my daughter that will help her as she matures.

It is my constant and continued prayer that my daughter will lead a pure and beautiful life dedicated to Christ. I am always looking for tools to help me instill godly principles in my daughter's life. This is one book that I will be referring back to many times for wisdom and advice.

I received this book from Booksneeze in exchange for this review. I was in no way required to give a positive review, nor was I paid for this review.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Raising Boys By Design

Raising Boys By design authored by Gregory L. Jantz , PhD and Michael Gurian with Ann McMurray is a book that will offer parents of boys some great information. The authors give amazing insight into how boys think, work and function. As a mother of a son with ADHD, I often feel at a disadvantage because I don't always know when my son is "just being a boy" or when there's more to it. This book gave me some great tools in relating to my son on a higher level.

The authors wrote about how the school system can often fail our sons. This is something I agree with heartily. I previously homeschooled and still appreciate how I was able to teach my son exactly how HE needed to learn. While the "system" may fail our sons, I really believe it depends on each teacher. There are some that understood that boys need to be active, while others do not. This is something I have learned as a Mom. Pre-being a mother of a son, I would have expected boys to sit still and quiet like my daughter. I've learned that this is not how it works with him. He learns best when he is active. Studying math facts while playing catch with my son is much more effective than having him sit on a chair across from me while making him answer flash cards. I'm so thankful for the reminder of this fact about how boys learn. It will enable me to be a much better mom when it comes to homework time!

I also liked how this book gave information from a male perspective of how things are for boys growing up and hitting puberty. Puberty scare me! This book helped me to understand more about what will be happening with my son. I'm heading into this stage prepped with some good reading material and many hours spent on my knees!

I highly recommend this book to Mothers, Fathers, Youth Pastors and Teachers!

I received a complimentary copy of Raising Boys By Design from Waterbrook Press in exchange for this review. I was in no way paid for this review.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rules of Murder

Julianna Deering brings us to the 1930's era in England in her book "Rules of Murder". Drew Farthering returns home to his estate to find an unwanted visitor. He quickly takes care of the situation.

During a big party at his estate, Drew and Madeline (the visiting niece of his step-father discover a dead body. This is when things turn interesting! There was more than just one victim! Who is the killer? Drew is determined to help solve the mystery of who murdered the victims. His best friend Nick (son of the butler) and Madeline are alongside Drew helping him to figure out who the murderer is!

I liked how this book kept me guessing. There were times I was sure I knew who had committed the murders, however there would be a twist that brought doubt to my mind. I would then think someone else was the killer. After, I got past the difference in the style of speaking from the 1930's, I was hooked. This was a very fast and enjoyable read for me.

This is a very different type of book for me. It is the first murder mystery I have ever read. It definitely has caused me to want to read more! I would be very delighted to read more of Julianna Deering's book.

I received a copy of Rules of Murder from the Bethany House Book Reviewers program. This fact in no way influenced, nor sought to influence, my opinion of the novel.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Lead Me Home

"Lead Me Home" is the first book I have read by author Stacy Hawkins Adams. The first sentence on the back page description of the book intrigued me... "Shiloh Griffin has no identity outside of her role's as pastor's wife and mom." I find this to be true in some element for so many women, including myself. We may not all be a pastor's wife, but I find that I hear this type of sentiment from many stay-at-home moms.

Shiloh has dedicated herself to her husband, four sons and church family. One day, Shiloh is presented with an opportunity to become a substitute music teacher for a local school. This unexpected opportunity began to pave the way for the plan that God had for Shiloh's life. I was able to connect with Shiloh's character because I have personally experienced how your life can change with one phone call. The important message given in this book is to follow God's leading. As God leads, FOLLOW!

I enjoyed how this book was in our modern day and time. It helps me to relate to the characters much more. It was such a blessing to see how Shiloh was human! She had so many similar thoughts and feelings like I have had. She struggled with "Jade", yet Shiloh followed God's promptings in how to interact with this lady. If Shiloh had chosen to not listen to the Holy Spirit prompting her, she would have missed out on great blessings and on the amazing ability to help another sister in Christ out.

I would definitely recommend this book. Stacy's style of writing is different than I've read before, but I found myself enjoying this book very much. I read it within 2 days. We all know that can be hard to do as busy mom's.

I received this complementary copy of "Lead Me Home" from Booksneeze and was in no way paid for this review.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


John Bishop talks very openly about his own life in God Distorted. John lost his father at a very young age and goes on to explain how this affected him in his life. John not only lost his father, but he was subjected to a very abusive step-father.

Bishop urges his readers to understand that God is NOT a replica of our earthly Fathers. He explains how we all too often relate to God just like we did with our earthly Father. God is not some ruler waiting to pounce on you the second you make a mistake. God loves us. God IS love.

This book encouraged me to do better as a mother. It made me realize how I expect perfection out of my children at times.

I had a hard time connecting with john Bishop's style of writing, but yet, I would highly recommend this book to those who have come from homes where a father was absent, not available, unloving, etc.... John is very honest about his own personal life and struggles. I believe that those who came from such homes as mentioned previously would benefit and relate to John's own journey.

Click on this link to be able to read the first chapter of God Distorted.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Do What Jesus Did

Robby Dawkins gives personal testimony and instruction to his readers in his book "Do What Jesus Did." Robby Dawkins has been working in a mighty way for God. He has tapped into the true power that is available for us. He has become a vessel of God's love and healing to so many people.

I was hooked from the very first chapter when Robby shares of how men from a gang came into the church in a confrontational way. However, they left changed men! Not only did their lives change, but they were influential in sharing how this change was available to so many others.

I requested to review this book because it seemed to line up with a class that I was taking at church about operating in the gifts of the Spirit. I was amazed at how closely this book lined up with what I had learned at my class. It was not an accident that this book came across my path. I believe 100% that it was a God thing! He wanted me to read this book to continue to learn of how to live in His Spirit.

Robby Dawkins does a wonderful job of encouraging others to reach out to the lost. He mentions so many times that we do not have to be perfect to reach out to others; we just have to be a willing vessel. God will give Dawkins a word of knowledge about someone and Dawkins does a wonderful job of giving that word in a loving way.

I read this book while on vacation. It was so good that I started reading many parts out loud to my husband. My 12 year old daughter would see me reading and take her head phones off and listen. At one time she asked, "Mom, can you read some more from that book." It opened up a door to share with her about the love of Christ and how she can walk in the light of God's Word and be used by Him.

I cannot wait to recommend this book to others! As I was reading it, one person came to my mind over and over. I will be recommending this book to her first!

I received a complementary copy of this book from Chosen a division of Baker Publishing Group. I was not paid for this review. These views are strictly my own.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Christian Mama's Guide To The Grade School Years

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Erin Machpherson has an outstanding writing style and a wonderful insight into parenting. I have read oodles and oodles of Parenting books; The Christian Mama's Guide To The Grade School Years is now at the top of my favorite's list.

When I first received this book, I'm not gonna lie. I was kind of aggravated at myself for requesting this book. Come on, my baby only has one more year in Elementary School. My kids are older than Erin's. What does she have to teach me? I am the mother of an ADHD son... I could be the one teaching her! I was hugely wrong! I was beyond wrong! Erin has such practical and Godly ideas and suggestions that blew me away. Once again, I left my pride get in the way. I am beyond happy that I read this book!

Erin writes with such humor that endeared her to my heart right away. She refers many times to "The Fifteen Factors". I won't spoil what they are for you, but they are awesome!

I received this book complementary from Booksneeze. This review is a reflection of my own thoughts and opinions. I was in no way paid for this review.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Angels By My Side

Angels By My Side is one of the most encouraging books that I have ever read about angelic experiences. I have always been very interested in hearing people's accounts of angelic visitations. I never cease to rejoice at the amazing ways that God uses angels to minister to us in our life.

Betty Malz does a superb job of sharing with her readers different ways that angels can visit us and help us. I have always wondered if we each have one guardian angel throughout our time on this earth. I still do not know the answer, but I definitely do believe that angels are as real as the sun.

The Scripture "be careful lest ye be entertaining angels unaware" has always stood out to me and proved true in our modern day. It was so encouraging to read about how two parents were visited by an angel during the darkest days of their lives. These parents brought their child home for what looked like could be the last weekend of her short life. When a man knocked on the door asking for something to eat, it would have been very easy for them to turn him away. However, they did not. They prepared him food. It's amazing how they were entertaining an angel, but were not aware of it until after. Their child was healed and the faith of these parents grew!

I would definitely recommend this book! I can't wait to pass it on to others to read! I received a complementary copy of "Angels By My Side" from Chosen (A Division of Baker Publishing Group). I was not paid for this review. These opinions are strictly mine.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Place To Belong

I was blessed to read "A Place To Belong" authored by Lauraine Snelling. Cassie Lockwood is a young woman who has seemingly lost everything. She has found a home with the Engstrom's on their ranch. Lucas Engstrom pledges to make Cassie love him. Cassie looks upon Lucas like a brother, not romantically. Many events follow that in the end lead Cassie to God's perfect will for her life.

Mavis, Lucas' mother proves to be just like a mother to Cassie. I love the way that Mavis is always remembering to ask the Lord for His guidance in all she does. The part of the book that stood out to me was how Mavis begins to praise the Lord when she has a heavy heart. I appreciate the author conveying this important act to her readers.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and loved the Biblical references included between the covers. Snelling thoughtfully and purposefully brought Christ as a big focal point in this book.

I received this complementary book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not paid for this review. These opinions are strictly my own.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

To Honor and Trust

To Honor And Trust authored by Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller takes us back to Bridal Veil Island. The two main characters are Callie Deboyer and Wesley Townsend.

Callie has been the tutor for the Bridgeport Family for many years. She is more like family than employee with the Bridgeport family. Callie loves the children she tutors and has their very best interest first and foremost. Callie experienced a very hard broken engagement and broken trust so she has determined that she does not want to marry again.

Wesley's family is a very prominent family. Wesley is different than the rest of his family in that prestige and wealth does not impress him. He undergoes an impressive amount of pressure from his family to join the family business. Wesley stands up to his father which was no easy task.

In this book, you will find suspense, laughter and love. It was a very entertaining read. I would definitely recommend this book to someone who enjoys Christian fiction.

I received this book complimentary from Bethany House Publishers. The review above is strictly my own opinion.

Heaven's Lessons

Steve Sjogren is the author of the book "Heaven's Lessons". The preview I read prior to requesting this particular book led me to believe that Steve would be sharing a lot about what happened surrounding the day he died, heard from the Lord, but was revived. Don't get me wrong, Steve does talk about his experience. However, I feel that he concentrates on how you and I should live life after his experience. I'm all for self-help books and frequently read them. This came across more as a self-help book than his testimony.

I would have liked to hear more about Steve's testimony, than him directing me how I should live. I am a God-fearing woman and have much to learn. I do not feel that I'm above instruction. However, the way this book was presented, I was expecting an uplifting testimony of Christ's love. I hesitated to write such a frank review, but that is what this blog is about.

Usually when I read a book, I have someone in mind that I can lend the book to when I complete it. However, that did not occur with this particular read. It's not a book that I would highly recommend.

I received a complimentary copy of "Heaven's Lessons" from Thomas Nelson. This is my opinion alone and was not paid to write this review.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I couldn't put this book down! Secrets by Robin Jones Gunn kept my attention and offered me an enjoyable and easy read. It was entertaining and thought provoking. Jessica runs away to find refuge in a small town. The author kept me guessing for a long time of what Jessica was running away from.

This story allows readers an inside look to Jessica's experience of accepting Christ as her own personal Savior. Whether it is fiction or non-fiction, my heart is always happy when one chooses the way of Christ.

I would definitely recommend this book. I think it would be appropriate for teenagers who have been sexual and/or are thinking they want to. It touches on a reason to stay pure. Yes, it is fiction, but the truth of the story remains true.

I don't think you will be disappointed if you read this book!

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This review is my own.

To read more about Robin Jones Gunn go to:

Monday, February 11, 2013


God's grace is certainly amazing. I do not tire of reading about God's Grace. Max Lucado brilliantly discusses God's grace in his latest book Grace.

Max Lucado's style of writing continues to be so deep yet simple. Max Lucado allows his readers to take a deeper look at how God's grace works. He reminds us that we are unable to make Heaven by our good works. I've always said that I don't believe we can ever be good enough to get into Heaven, while on the other hand, my mind begins to tell me that I have to work to get to Heaven. The fact is... There's nothing that I can do in my own strength and power to make it to Heaven to see my Savior. If I do get to be so utterly and humbly blessed, it will be because of the love of the One who died on the cross for my sins. Max Lucado has done a good job of reminding me of just that.

I received this book from Book Sneeze at no cost. I was not required to write a positive review. This is my own opinion.