Friday, June 14, 2013

Angels By My Side

Angels By My Side is one of the most encouraging books that I have ever read about angelic experiences. I have always been very interested in hearing people's accounts of angelic visitations. I never cease to rejoice at the amazing ways that God uses angels to minister to us in our life.

Betty Malz does a superb job of sharing with her readers different ways that angels can visit us and help us. I have always wondered if we each have one guardian angel throughout our time on this earth. I still do not know the answer, but I definitely do believe that angels are as real as the sun.

The Scripture "be careful lest ye be entertaining angels unaware" has always stood out to me and proved true in our modern day. It was so encouraging to read about how two parents were visited by an angel during the darkest days of their lives. These parents brought their child home for what looked like could be the last weekend of her short life. When a man knocked on the door asking for something to eat, it would have been very easy for them to turn him away. However, they did not. They prepared him food. It's amazing how they were entertaining an angel, but were not aware of it until after. Their child was healed and the faith of these parents grew!

I would definitely recommend this book! I can't wait to pass it on to others to read! I received a complementary copy of "Angels By My Side" from Chosen (A Division of Baker Publishing Group). I was not paid for this review. These opinions are strictly mine.

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